

  • If possible, we ask that you send over some photos of your house.
  • We will then come out to photograph your house in more detail. These images will be posted on our website. Your home address will not be shown and will remain anonymous until a client has shown interest in shooting there.
  • We send out your home to clients when it fits the description of something they are looking for.
  • If they are interested, we call you to see if you are interested in having the shoot and if you are we put your house “on hold” for the shoot dates.
  • At this point, they may want to come scout the house themselves. They may even want to come back a second time, especially for film. This can be inconvenient and especially so if they then decide against booking your house. It’s all part of the process, whereby they must make sure that they are choosing the right location for their shoot. They will probably be scouting locations other than yours and will then make a decision.
  • If they decide to “book” your home, then we discuss price, restrictions, hours, crew size, etc. Once all of this is agreed upon, Proper Locations will then send out an agreement, which must be signed to “confirm” the location. This agreement lists all rules and boundaries on your behalf. If you have any specific rules or restrictions, these can be added.
  • The client will send a Certificate of Insurance, naming you as additionally insured. We will get this to you before the shoot.
  • The client will pay us and we’ll pay you on or before the day of the shoot. The fee agreed upon by you is what you will be paid. Our fee is taken out of the payment from the client.
  • If you would rather not be home, Proper Locations can provide a location manager to oversee the shoot on your behalf.
  • On the morning of the shoot we ask that you do a walk through with the producer to identify any pre-existing damages. You will then be asked to do the same at the end of the shoot. We are required to notify the client within 24 hrs of any damages caused during the shoot. If you see any damages, please photograph immediately and send this image to us.
  • Please let us know if you have any specific restrictions before the client books your house so that we can let them know. This way, there are no surprises on shoot day.
  • Please make sure your house is clean on the shoot day. If you are having ay work done anywhere in the house please let us know as soon as possible.
  • Sometimes a client may try to come to you directly, instead of going through Proper Production. It is in both of our interests if you ask them to go through us. Not only will you be protected by our contract should something go wrong, we will be able to secure a better rate and ensure that any overtime is paid, etc.
  • If another location company calls you about the same shoot, we ask that you give the “first hold” to the first company that called.


  • Print shoots usually last for 8 – 10 hrs. Overtime will be paid after that.
  • Equipment is minimal for print shoots.
  • Crew size is usually 12 – 15 people for print shoots.
  • The crews are used to shooting in locations and are always mindful that they are in someone’s home, not a studio.
  • They will need a space to set up catering and another space for hair and make-up.
  • They usually want to use your furniture for their shoot, though sometimes, they will want to move it around or bring in something of their own. They will always let you know this before booking and will take great care when moving anything.
  • At the end of the shoot, everything will be moved back to where it was and your house will be left exactly as it was found.


  • Film crews are a lot bigger – upwards of 40 people.
  • Fees are substantially higher than those for print shoots, due to the extra wear and tear on your house.
  • For film shoots, there is a lot more equipment. Film crews will cover walls and floor surfaces with corrugated cardboard or layout board for to protect your house because of this.
  • The hours for film shoots are usually 12 – 14 hrs or more.
  • Film shoots often require a “prep day,” where they will have a crew of 10 – 15 people setting up your house for the shoot days and a “wrap day,” where the crew will spend the day restoring your house to the way it was.
  • Because of the larger scale of film shoots, many homeowners choose to just do print shoots.

Above all else, we want both our homeowners and our clients to be happy with the arrangements. If something is not working on a shoot for either party, please give us a call and we’ll help work it out. An open line of communication is what makes a shoot a success. This means no surprises either end, which is why we try to get all the necessary details from both parties before the shoot is booked.